Further Reading



Barack, Lauren. A Wiki War on Vandals. School Library Journal. May 1, 2006.


The Economist. The Wiki Principle. April 20, 2006.


Farkas, Meredith. "Using Wikis to Create Online Communities." WebJunction. Sept. 1, 2005.


Farkas, Meredith. "So You Want to Build a Wiki?" WebJunction. Sept. 5, 2005.


Gordon, Cindy. Wikis-A Disruptive Innovation. KM World . May 26, 2006.


Lamb, Brian. "Wide Open Spaces:  Wikis, Ready or Not." Educause Review. Sept/Oct. 2004.


Maness, Jack M. "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries." Webology. June, 2006.


Terdiman, Daniel. "How Wikis are Changing our View of the World." Cnet. Novebmer 15, 2005.


Tonkin, Emma. "Making the Case for a Wiki." Adriane. January 2005.


Wikipedia. Wiki Last updated August 10, 2006.


Additional Resources



The library and information science wiki.



Library 2.0 Wiki

"The Library 2.0 wiki is here to serve the entire library community by bringing together a collection of resources about or relating to next-generation library services. This wiki may be used for any purpose by anyone as long as it is in the pursuit of positive change." ~ A work in progress that is worth reviewing.
